Training the calves off a step is great since you get a full range of motion and a good stretch at the bottom. In case you don't have a step you can do calf raises on the floor. The downside is that most of the range of motion is missing. Now in order to compensate for the lower range of motion you can do a forward lean calf raise which will increase the range of motion. Lean to a wall and stretch the calves on the bottom position. Now press up and straighten the ankle and hold the top position for at least 1 second. Descend back down to the stretched position.
A calf block or a step is a great tool. But I feel that I can get a better stretch and range of motion with the leaning calf raises.
Calf training progression without a step
Progression for calf raises is a bit different if we don’t use a step. But basically you just replace all the elevated calf raises with the stretched calf raise.
1.Floor two leg calf raise
Stand next to a wall to get some extra support for this exercise. Start each rep from dead stop at the floor and squeeze at the top of the movement.
Work up to at least 12reps before moving to the next exercise
2. Two leg stretched leaning calf raise
Lean to a wall so that you get a good stretch on the calves. Press up, short pause at the top and descend back to the stretched position.
Work up to at least 12reps before moving to the next exercise
3. Arm assisted floor one leg calf raise
When doing single leg raises the load increases a lot compared to the two leg version. Use a table or backrest of a chair and use it as assistance for this movement.
Work up to at least 12reps before moving to the next exercise
4. Floor one leg calf raise
Stand next to a wall to get some extra support for this exercise. Start each rep from dead stop at the floor and squeeze at the top of the movement.
Work up to at least 12reps before moving to the next exercise
5. Single leg stretched leaning calf raise
Same as the two leg stretched leaning calf raise. Remember to use controlled descends and pause at the top and bottom.
Work up to at least 12reps before moving to the next exercise
6. Weighted or increased Time Under Tension single leg stretched leaning calf raise
You can add weight to your calf raises by using a backpack, dip belt or dumbbells. Another option is to build high quality reps for step 5. Single leg stretched leaning calf raise. Use at least 2-1-2 tempo or even 4-2-2 and concentrate on increasing the reps over time. In DC training calves are trained even at 5-15-1 tempo. That is 5 seconds down, 10-15second hold at the bottom position and 1 second explosive concentric.
Have fun building those calves anywhere!
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