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GUIDE TO BODYWEIGHT‎‎ STRENGTH‎ TRAINING‎‎ 2.0 - Amazon, Google Play and Kobo

“GUIDE TO BODYWEIGHT‎‎ STRENGTH‎ TRAINING‎‎ 2.0 - 1 rep max based bodyweight strength training” is available now at Amazon, Google Play and Kobo.  Get it! Amazon Google Play Kobo What's new: • Updated training tool with some visual upgrades • New alternative exercises you can use for progression and some exercises were removed • Three approaches to get your first pullup • Ring training is included in the training tool for dips and push-ups for those who like to train with rings. Also progression to full ring dip with rings only if you don’t have parallel bars available. • Improved exercise and video library • More content. More detailed chapter on dieting for fat loss, muscle gain and maintaining. • About 50% more content compared to the previous version. • Updated units to support both lbs/kg and cm/inch units in the book. So you don’t have to convert numbers on your own based on your preferred unit of measurement. You will get the following tools: • Training tool which you can us...
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Bodyweight strength training programs on Google Sheets - 2023 update user guide

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Bodyweight vs weighted single leg training - What you need to know

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Free bodyweight strength training programs on Google Sheets - 3.0 Update

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