“GUIDE TO BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH TRAINING 2.0 - 1 rep max based bodyweight strength training” is available now at Amazon, Google Play and Kobo. Get it! Amazon Google Play Kobo What's new: • Updated training tool with some visual upgrades • New alternative exercises you can use for progression and some exercises were removed • Three approaches to get your first pullup • Ring training is included in the training tool for dips and push-ups for those who like to train with rings. Also progression to full ring dip with rings only if you don’t have parallel bars available. • Improved exercise and video library • More content. More detailed chapter on dieting for fat loss, muscle gain and maintaining. • About 50% more content compared to the previous version. • Updated units to support both lbs/kg and cm/inch units in the book. So you don’t have to convert numbers on your own based on your preferred unit of measurement. You will get the following tools: • Training tool which you can us...
Chest dips are fun! But with the dips we are facing the same issues as with the pullup. You are lifting about 93% of your bodyweight which makes it too hard for beginners. You will need sufficient tricep and chest strength to be able to perform these. Normal dip progressions have you do band assisted dips, negatives or tricep bench dips. These work but they all have their downsides. Negatives are not generally good because of the increased injury risk. I would not recommend negatives for beginners since they have not been able to learn the movement pattern. Doing the movement pattern in both directions with good form and lighter load is always a safer option. Tricep bench dip is not a very good option since the positioning of the hands is behind the body and might cause shoulder pain for some. Also it does not develop the chest strength required for the chest dip. And last not everyone has a selection of bands they can attach to their dip setup. Dips are fun. But try not to fall! How t...