“GUIDE TO BODYWEIGHT STRENGTH TRAINING 2.0 - 1 rep max based bodyweight strength training” is available now at Amazon, Google Play and Kobo. Get it! Amazon Google Play Kobo What's new: • Updated training tool with some visual upgrades • New alternative exercises you can use for progression and some exercises were removed • Three approaches to get your first pullup • Ring training is included in the training tool for dips and push-ups for those who like to train with rings. Also progression to full ring dip with rings only if you don’t have parallel bars available. • Improved exercise and video library • More content. More detailed chapter on dieting for fat loss, muscle gain and maintaining. • About 50% more content compared to the previous version. • Updated units to support both lbs/kg and cm/inch units in the book. So you don’t have to convert numbers on your own based on your preferred unit of measurement. You will get the following tools: • Training tool which you can us...
I still get frequent share request notifications to my inbox (people don't seem to understand that you need to save a copy of the sheets to gain full access to the functions and enable editing). So I thought I would share the updated (3.0 version) sheets with you all who want to have their training logs safely secured in Google Drive but still have some functionality similar to a training app. All the functionality is created with basic sheet functions and they do not require special permission to run on your Google Drive. Also it makes the sheets run faster compared to scripts that need to be run in the background. The sheets are ad free and don’t require any login information to use. It all started when my login information was leaked from the app I used. Also there had been few cases where my training history data was lost and there was no customer service that could do something about it. The cloud syncing in some apps is not a permanent solution or the app just saves a copy lo...